Saturday, July 4, 2009

200 platters of Duck a l'Orange

It's like wild duck farming since a few hundred Whistling Ducks invaded Lake Leaky. They've pushed out the Australian Wood Ducks and are giving our lovely Pacific Black Ducks a run for their money. The plump Black Ducks are a family that nest on our section of Cooroy Creek.

Hell. As prettily plumed they may be, it is time for those boney Whistler marauders to clear the property. I have a plan.

The previous blog offering free citrus fruit from the mini orchard met with resounding success. Only a couple of late-fruiting orange trees to go. Well, with chefs galore down Noosa Beach way we may yet come up with a plan to serve massive amounts of Duck in Orange Sauce to round out Noosa's Longweekend (a 10-day festival of arts culture, food and fashion). Fun and games for the once-were rich and famous. Times are tough. But not as tough as these pesky Whistlers. They perch roof and tree top. Have even been known to caca on the old ute.

Then again a turkey dinner might be the go. There is already a story about gay turkeys if you would care to check the blog archive tucked away in the right hand column.

it seems OK to farm fish. I wonder about wild ducks and brush turkeys. You may already have thoughts on the matter. Don't be afraid to speak out. Twitter me at if that's your thing.

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