Queensland is certainly the place to watch orchids grow. The small pot of Sydney Rock Orchids we brought north from the Darlinghurst garden has really hit its stride this season. Northerners known these as King Orchids, but it's all in the family, Dendrobium speciosum, Australian native. Scientific detectives recently reclassified the species as Thelychiton speciosus but let's choose to give this a miss. The same bureaucrats will no doubt relabel everything again before too many moons have passed.
A wonderful perfume to these 'Kingys' (can't believe I used that term). Too bad the pollen in the air is causing 'spring sneeze'. I weep every time I pass the boisterous array as they dwarf the eight ton reticulating rock in the orchid igloo. Ah well, it will all be over in a matter of weeks. They only bloom for about a month around August.